Part of pattern disappears

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Part of pattern disappears

Post by EmmanuelleB »

I want to close my dart of 1.94 and a part of my pattern disappears.
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Re: Part of pattern disappears

Post by TiesOli »

Uh, that does look a little ambitious with all the darts so closely crowded on one apex. Can you send us the project file?

I'd have to look a bit more closely at what's the situation there to see, how best to deal with such a case and what advice I could give you or if it's something "fixable" for us. :geek:

Worst case, you can at least fix it manually to proceed while we'll have a look at it. But it's also a great reminder for us to finally add to "Move Point" rotation (and scaling), which would make this an even easier fix.

Well does look like a fairly dramatic dart, that's for sure! We love a good challenge! :tu:
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Re: Part of pattern disappears

Post by EmmanuelleB »

I want to transforming bust dart into gathers.
I send you the file by mail and thank you very much for your help.
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Re: Part of pattern disappears

Post by TiesOli »

Ahhhh, I see, but that's on the neckline. However, either way, let us have some fun with this for a moment and we'll post the solution as soon as we've got it!
Danged, I always want to see the finished garment right away, :hihi: , it's so exciting. But even the vision of it is always a joy! :hyper:

I've done some little tests right away and it all worked out, but then I really know exactly how to avoid problems, which makes this a little unfair, hehe. But it's our job to ensure that you know it just as well as we do and possibly soon even better! :tu:
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Re: Part of pattern disappears

Post by TiesOli »

Okay, first of all: :hug: ...that's fantastic! You have inspired us to create a new feature! :hyper:

The way to do this is easy in principle, but can be a bit of a mind bender at first. Here's the manual solution (no audio):

• merge shoulder dart with waist
• transfer whole dart to neckline center
• create a little helper construction to get 3 even sections into the neckline. Chosen left end of it is arbitrary guess (some place along it).
• Now comes the fun part:
You want 3 sections of pattern there, which means you will have 4 darts (gaps).
That means the first gap is 25% of the whole dart, meaning you will have to transfer 75% of the whole dart to the next segment.
• transfer 75% of the dart to the next segment.
From this segment to the end you are missing 3 darts, meaning you will have to transfer 2/3rds (66.6%) to the next segment.
• transfer 66.6% of the dart to the next segment.
Now there are only 2 gaps left, which means you only need to transfer 50% of the remaining dart to the last segment.
• transfer 50% of the dart to the last segment.

All transferring done! :bounce:

Now let's just draft a quick bezier curve that tries to go through roughly the middle of the top of each pattern segment between the darts. E Voila! :D :br:

Let me know if that helped! :hug:
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Re: Part of pattern disappears

Post by EmmanuelleB »

thank you Taron for this :hyper: :tu: but i want to made this on the shoulder.
i'm so sorry my english is so bad. :shrug:
The method remains the same and I will try :hyper:.
Yours tranfers are so perfect.
Capture d’écran 2021-06-18 à 13.06.49.png
Capture d’écran 2021-06-18 à 13.06.49.png (296.02 KiB) Viewed 20911 times
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Re: Part of pattern disappears

Post by TiesOli »

Ah, no, no, your English is just fine. That makes me very happy! ;)
Yeah, you can use the same principle anywhere, of course. It's always up to you how you wish to spread those out. That's also the great part about it, because you can! :)

However, the inspiration you gave us will let us look into additional dart transfer options: Subdivide dart spread, or something of that kind. You would select a dart and set a number of subdivisions, for example, then set from where to where and it would automatically spread the dart into pieces that way. Wouldn't that be something cool?! 8-)

That may not make it into the next update, but it's on the list for the next after that for sure! :br:
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