I am working right now on shorting out some basic patterns from top to toe and I am struggling with some things. Not sure if I just sum it up or do topic by topic. So, I will just start with a combined item that is trouble me. Other than that I think it is great and easy to make patterns

First of all when I extract a pattern it comes in the list of pieces. I started with a basic front top, basic back top and a basic sleeve. From that point I make more different versions and parts. To start a new version of top I past the basic pattern. However, when I past it, it isn't selected. Since the software remembers where the placing was it comes on top and now I have double lines. Is it possible when you past a 'pattern piece' or 'only element' that it is selected? (Then I can move it aside).
The other thing that I notice is that sometimes when I am trying to remove the double lines with delete and I deleted one too much (cannot see how much lines are over each other) very often I cannot undo deleting of a line. Therefore, I need to draw a new line for the straight it is easier fixed then with a bezier line. So, it seems that the undo/ redo button doesn't work on certain items. Is this correct? Can this get sorted? Or are there certain items that cannot be brought back after it is deleted?
Then the third thing that doesn't work great yet. Sometimes I change my mind because I didn't like a line of a pattern. But I found it hard to correct a pattern that is already extracted. When I do it within the 'pattern piece' it becomes a element and the pattern piece isn't corrected. If I don't select the right item (different page/ location) then the pattern piece isn't correctly aligned and lines shoot out or stand at the wrong place. I hope there is a quicker way for adjusting a pattern piece then deleting it and again extracting, renaming and moving it to the right number/order in the pattern list. Please let me know if there is a solution for this.
Thanks in advance for your help with these questions/ items!