drag or click to new dart position

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drag or click to new dart position

Post by EmmanuelleB »

hello hello,

I cannot change the position of my dart. I select the pivot point and both arms but I can't click to move nothing happens.
before it worked very well.
Capture d’écran 2021-05-24 à 12.52.54.png
Capture d’écran 2021-05-24 à 12.52.54.png (564.22 KiB) Viewed 15798 times
Thank you for your help.

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Re: drag or click to new dart position

Post by TiesOli »

Ah, this one is trued already. You cannot transfer "darts" that are filled. Only open darts can be transferred! Our mistake is that it still looks like you could... :oops: ...but we will have a look at that. Maybe I will try to magically make something like this work, but it's asking a lot, actually! One question would be "should the truing (the cap) be transferred as well and should it remember the direction in which it was trued"? Maybe I could simply try to remove the truing myself and then let you transfer it as usual?

Anyway, there are various ways you can go about it.
Oli's standard solution would be simply to extract again without the truing.
My solution would be to:
• grab the tip of the truing cap with Move Point and move it to the apex of the dart. In your case that would be very simple, because it's only lines.
• then do a box select around the apex to select all lines of the dart including the markings that are still there. Then go to "Markings" and choose "Remove". This way only the markings will get removed and you're left with the pure dart.

• Now you can resume transferring your dart as you like! :tu:

So, yeah, nothing has changed, all is still well, but we've left the impression that something was possible, which had never been possible: Transferring trued darts by their markings. But it would make an awesome feature! :hyper:

Let me know, if this helped you already, please! Otherwise I will make a little video for you, of course! :ugeek: ;)
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Re: drag or click to new dart position

Post by EmmanuelleB »

Oh thank you so much.
I understand my mistake. :roll:

Good afternoon.

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Re: drag or click to new dart position

Post by TiesOli »

No worries! We actually find it inspirational! :hug: :beer:
All these things matter, you know, because they show your intuition and it shows us the way in great cases like this! :tu:
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